Mina moon odbacuje komšijina napredovanja, doktorka tampa zove u korist & ima pritvor porodice Mine Mun u imigracionom logoru
18,014 45%
Мина моон одбацује комшијина напредовања, докторка тампа зове у корист & има притвор породице Мине Мун у имиграционом логору
$CLOV Mina Moon shoulda just got into her neighbor Doctor Tampas Car...Now Mina & Her Family Are Detained In An Immigration Camp where terrible things will happen to Mina! "The New Immigration Policy"
Video Transkripcija
Look at the lens. I like look at this while I'm supposed to be looking at this so it just looks awkward.
Hi there, Internet worlds! I'm looking at that just right now just to make sure that I'm right in the frame.
So, hope everybody is doing well. You have Dr. Tampa here, you have Miss Mina Moon, and you have Nurse Destiny Cruz.
We just got done doing a couple of days of shooting and making Sickos Part 2, as well as a new immigration video
with ******* immigrants from Korea this time. What a twist.